Forensic Investigation
Determining the cause and providing a solution.
BEC’s forensic experts investigate the cause of damage prior to recommending tangible solutions.
Water damage. Heat loss. What could have led to a building's failure? Our experts will find out.
Through our forensic investigation services, BEC's experts carefully evaluate a building's issues from a building envelope perspective. While common failures include water and air intrusion, failed systems, and material analysis, we conduct each investigation with fresh, unbiased eyes and consider all options before our work begins.
To help us in the pursuit of the truth and assembly of evidence, all of our building envelope forensic investigations include destructive and non-destructive testing services that we document through photographs and videography. At the conclusion of our investigation, we provide observatory deliverables with an actionable, detailed building envelope report.

Why Forensic Investigations?
Beyond knowing the cause of building failures and issues, BEC's forensic investigations can be used in open cases, insurance claims, and contract disputes.
BEC services are geared toward improving Client's projects and saving them money.
Building Envelope Commissioning
Design, Plan, & Peer Review
Expert Witness
Quality Assurance
Bidding & Contract Administration
Testing Services